Yes, It is finally Fall. My favorite time of the year. I am such a visual person, so when the seasons change and the colors are vibrant, it places me in such a peaceful mind set. I was honestly over the Summer and the 90 something degree weather. The change was needed.
An increase in anxiety and depression during this time tends to happen pretty frequently so don't be embarrassed, you're human. With the weather and time change, I wanted to provide some guidance because I can be that girl. Not this time though, oh hell no! I am being proactive. Lots of journaling, self-care, exercise, healthy eating, spending time with some of my favorite people, just doing things that serve me in a positive way. Behavior change has to be one of the hardest things to face; but with practice and patience, breaking those unwanted habitual habits will easily decrease.
So what are you doing? Let's start with assessing our unhealthy behaviors and throw them in the trash, immediately. Let's decrease the self-sabotage and replace those negative words with "I am a great person." Shit I have my flaws but, I'm pretty amazing! Don't allow that extra voice in your head to lower your vibration, remember you are in charge. Increase your reading, blast your favorite song, scream to the top of your lungs until you feel relieved, watch a funny movie, invest your time in things that are meaningful to you.
Now, it's time to grab one of those Jus.B Mindful candles, light that bad boy and let your hair down. Your're not perfect, who cares!! Let's replace that negative self-talk with, forgiveness and kindness. Don't forget those affirmations..
"I AM Grateful"
I AM beautiful"
"I AM worthy of all GREAT things"
"I AM a Queen/King and very deserving to experience LIFE and everything it has to offer"
Implementing healthy behaviors are what's your step one?